It all begins with an idea. Costa Rica Nov 24 - Dec 1st 2023. These are just a few photos of the amazing diversity of wildlife that I captured while staying there. From my early morning birdwatching trip to Hacienda el Roble, Costa Rica with an amazing guide Juan Carlos who found us many birds to see and photograph like Bare-throated Tiger-Heron, Tamarindo Birdwatching Crocodiles and Monkey Tour where I seen Little Blue Herons, and a Long-tailed Manikin, The cloud forest of Monteverde where the guide Dennis found us the Resplendent Quetzal and several species of hummingbirds, and just exploring the mangrove forest and streets around the resort where I found Motmots, and many other birds. Already planning my next trip to focus on some of the places like Palo Verde where I may have the opportunity to see a Boat-billed Heron, or Jabiru Stork, Roseate Spoonbill and the Glossy Ibis.
Sunset on the Pacific, Tamarindo, Costa Rica. I sell a few of my prints locally from my home, at local markets and can be contacted for viewing of gallery. Check out my you tube videos: